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- Upgrade from 410 TCH to 500 TCH of Ubombo Cane Sugar Factory part of Illovo Group
- Country: SWAZILAND
- Contract Period: 2010-2011
- Erection works: 8 months
- 1 Rapidorr Juice Clarifier
- Structural Steelwork
- Piping, valves, fittings and supports ranging from 15 NB to 2000 NB
Piping Design
- Routing of new pipes
- Isometric drawings
- Specification of pipe supports
Erection of Front-End Equipment
- 3 Slat Cane Carriers
- 6 Cane Belt Conveyors
- 1 Dewatering Mill
- 1 Mill Intermediate Carrier with Donnelly Chute
Erection of Process Equipment
- 5 Juice Heaters
- 1 Clarifier with Mud scale & Storage Tank
- 1 Kestner Evaporator
- 1 Robert Evaporator
- 2 Condensate Vessels
- 1 Continuous Vacuum Pan with Condenser
- 2 Seed Receivers
- 1 Vertical Crystalliser
- 2 Massecuite Re-heaters
- 4 Centrifuges
- 1 Caustic Soda & 1 Syrup Header Tank
Erection of Power Plant Equipment
- 7 Bagasse Conveyors
- 5 Bagasse Slat Carriers
- 2 Boil Out Vessels
- 3 Quarantine Tanks
- 3 Condenser Cooling Towers
- 1 Air Compressor Unit
- 1 Overhead Travelling Crane in the Power House
General Mechanical Works
- Pipe racks
- Pumps
- Supporting structures & walkways
- Relocation and modification of equipment
Piping Installation
- Modification of existing pipes and installation of new pipes, valves and accessories
- Installation of new HP & exhaust steam piping
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